giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Xmas gifts per chi ama l'alta montagna

D&G, a-i 2010-2011

Renne, fiocchi di neve, stelle polari. La maglieria si diverte con i motivi tipici dello stile norvegese. So che molte di voi, me compresa, non apprezzano particolarmente questi capi. Ma a Natale, potete concedervi di indossare questi outfits.  Anzi  sarebbe addirittura carino organizzare una festicciola con le amiche dove l'abito "chic sulla neve" è d'obbligo.
p.s. Non fate però come Bridget Jones che portava con imbarazzo i maglioncioni 
con le renne!!! Siate disinvolte!!!!

Reindeers, snow flakes, polar stars. Winter knitwear is at his best with the typical Nordic style patterns. I know that many of you girls are not particular fond of this style – myself included! However, at Christmastime you can allow yourself to wear some of these season’s outfits. Actually, wouldn’t it be nice to arrange a party with friends where a “chic on the snow” style is mandatory?!
However, don’t do as Bridget Jones’s fiancé, who was so embarrassed wearing the pull-over with the big reindeer done by his mother! Be easy, it’s Christmas after all!

D&G, a-i 2010-2011

MaxMara, a-i 2010-2011

Sisley € 39,90

Edc by Esprit, € 90

Rinascimento, € 75

Kontatto, € 73

Pois, € 39,90

2 commenti:

  1. Nice outfit! So sad that I got no change to wear it in my country.

  2. ..not that I can afford them but I totally LOVE D&G maxi-pull and leg-warmers!
