Orecchini € 115
Ecco in anteprima per voi alcune immagini della nuova collezione “Radiance” di Ayala Bar. Per quelli che non la conoscono, questa stilista di gioielli, che tengo d'occhio da anni, è una delle mie preferite e forse la incontrerò a Milano a fine gennaio. Nata e cresciuta in Israele, la Bar subito dopo il diploma alla scuola d'arte ha cominciato a lavorare in diverse aree artistiche, dal teatro al design d'interni. Nella seconda metà degli anni '80 è emersa come importante ideatrice israeliana di gioielli. Collezionista sfrenata di perle e perline, raccoglie con frequenza e accuratezza un’infinità di oggetti trovati nel deserto, al mare e in città, che diventano per lei fonte di ispirazione. Il risultato è un gioiello prezioso e sofisticato, un’opera d’arte da conservare e curare con amore.
Here are some images of the new "Radiance" collection by Ayala Bar. For those who don't know her yet, this jewels designer is one of my favourites, and maybe I will meet her in Milan at end January. Born and grown-up in Israel, Bar has worked in different artistic areas, from theater to interior design. At the end of the 80's she finally established herself as an important Israeli jewel designer. Tireless collector of pearls and beads, she gathers a lot of different objects in places like the desert, the sea or even the city, which become for her a source of inspiration. The result is a precious and sophisticated jewel, a master piece to collect and to be taken care with love...
Here are some images of the new "Radiance" collection by Ayala Bar. For those who don't know her yet, this jewels designer is one of my favourites, and maybe I will meet her in Milan at end January. Born and grown-up in Israel, Bar has worked in different artistic areas, from theater to interior design. At the end of the 80's she finally established herself as an important Israeli jewel designer. Tireless collector of pearls and beads, she gathers a lot of different objects in places like the desert, the sea or even the city, which become for her a source of inspiration. The result is a precious and sophisticated jewel, a master piece to collect and to be taken care with love...
Collana € 250
Collana € 350
Collana € 350
Bracciale € 140
Orecchini, € 135